Thursday, February 18, 2010

It wasn't so bad

Today started out on a bad note. Nothing horrible happened; I just woke up and could only think about when my bed time would be. Yesterday I taught, had two meetings after school, and then a PTA meeting. Gavin had to be in New Orleans, so I was flying solo. Thanks to my sister, Milo made swim practice and then the poor guy had to sit through the PTA meeting (I'm secretary, so I couldn't bail). I finally got home and Milo into bed at 9:30-criminally late for a 7 year old who had school the next day. I got to sleep somewhere around 11. And was back up at 6:00 this morning. Argh.

So, of course, all I could think about was how long the day was going to be. Turns out, it wasn't so bad. My classes all went well. My 7th graders are reading The Outsiders and lovin' it. 8th grade just finished up of Mice and Men and a few kids want to know "if that Steinbeck guy wrote any more books." A couple of the students in my reading clinic have reached benchmark. And my journalism class continues to blow me away with their maturity and skill.

Then I got home...I was able to actually make swim practice today. Milo has been working since November to have 8 practices in a row without getting in trouble for messing around. That means two straight weeks of good behavior which is no small feat for him. Anyway, Milo has gotten close so many times, but could never quite make it. So I don't know who was more excited today: Milo, my sister, his coach, or me. Why were we so excited? Milo finally earned his swim parka. That makes him an official swimmer in his book.

I got a wild hair and decided to make curry this evening. Turned out okay, not great, but it was a decent first effort. What does Milo say? "Mom, you make great curry. I'm only eating yours from now on." Then we go to help some neighbor kids with their science project and my son walks them through a density experiment, explaining each step to them scientifically and patiently. My little Einstein. And for his final trick of the night, I was going through his backpack and found his first ever perfect 10 spelling test (with one correct bonus word to boot). He told me that he had looked at each word very carefully all week and did his best on the test. It's on the fridge for all the world to see.

Sometimes, Milo is frustrating beyond words. Tonight, he reminded me why I am so lucky to be his mother.


  1. See? Blogging let's you process it and it almost always brings it back to the positive. Who is luckier? You that you're his mom or he that he's your son? Hmmmm.
